Just Breathe

November 26, 2008 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

If you pay attention (or even if you are not paying attention) images of soup kitchens and men in suits and top coats selling pencils on the sidewalk dance around in your head (instead of sugar plums this year). And, as a business person, you may be tempted to hold your breath and hyperventilate your [...]

Google SearchWiki Debuts

November 26, 2008 by Betsy Kent in SEO / SEM

The long anticipated Google SearchWiki has launched. Google calls it “a way for you to customize search by re-ranking, deleting, adding, and commenting on search results.” Now you can move pages that you like to the top of the page, or even add a new site. You can add your own notes and delete results [...]

The Power of “Being There”

November 18, 2008 by Betsy Kent in SEO / SEM

The beauty of paid search is that it can be adjusted so fast and so easily that I can help my clients respond to whatever is happening in their business. Here is an example of why it is so important to “Be There” when people are looking for your business’s services on the web. I [...]

4 simple, easy, free and fun things you need to do for your business right now!

October 30, 2008 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

I am helping my friend and colleage Elizabeth Beskin of Fifth Avenue Digital get ready for the annual BizBash Event StyleExpo on Wednesday here in NYC. She is gong to be speaking to a group of event planning professionals about how they can use Social Networking to help build website traffic and credibility with Search [...]

The Importance of Security in E-Commerce

September 21, 2008 by Betsy Kent in Social Media

Recently I was given the opportunity to collaborate on an interactive marketing program for a small garment manufacturer that just launched their first e-commerce site. The client wants to start selling their products direct to the consumer immediately, rather than continuing to depend upon the retail stores who are their traditional customers, and who are [...]

Who Needs a Search Engine Marketing Consulting Firm?

April 1, 2008 by Betsy Kent in SEO / SEM

If you have a small business (a small business is generally defined as having under 100 employees, see:, you may not think you would need to hire a search engine marketing consulting firm. However, the fact that more and more businesses every day are marketing their products and services online, most small businesses are [...]

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