Facebook Tip: How To Unannoyingly Post Business Content On Your Personal Profile
If you’re like me (and most entrepreneurs) you have become Facebook friends with many people that you know through business such as colleagues, past clients and even new prospects. Wouldn’t it be great if you could post business content on your personal profile and have it delivered only to the friends you know through business? [...]

3 Time-Saving Social Media Tools That You’ll Love
Do you worry about keeping up with social media for your business when you’re away for an extended length of time? Well, you’re not alone. I just finished a vacation. When you’re self-employed and manage your own marketing it’s rather hard to devote entire days just to fun. But I did manage to stay away from my computer for nearly the [...]
How Blogging Transformed A NYC Dentist Into A TV Star in the UK
Sometimes a content marketing strategy gets some pretty unexpected results. But when a blog post gets a New York City dentist into a Google commercial on TV in the U.K., well, it’s something pretty rare. About five years ago I took on a new client, Dr. Michael Sinkin. Dr. Sinkin is a dentist in New York City…and he [...]

The Very Best Time To Send Email Campaigns
The optimal time for you to send out your email marketing campaigns (or blasts) may be much different than what you imagine. Instinctually, you may feel that your subscribers are more likely to read emails in the early morning, before their business day starts. But readers rarely behave the way you expect them to (or the way you [...]

Should You Publish An Entire Blog Post On Facebook?
I’ve suspected for a long time that there is a growing number of Facebook users who simply don’t want to leave Facebook anymore, for any reason. Even something as labor un-intensive as clicking a link can be too much work for these folks! And the fact that so many people use mobile devices instead [...]

A Really Quick Way To Follow Facebook’s 20% Rule
Have you ever placed a Facebook ad or set up a boost only for it to not be approved because your ad image is more than 20% text? It’s very frustrating, especially because often you don’t find out ’til many hours after you have submitted it. The best thing to do is be sure your ad images follow Facebook’s 20% rule [...]

4 Surefire Clues You Need A New Website
If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’ve been busy building your business and haven’t thought much about your website in a while. If your site hasn’t been touched in a couple of years or more, it may actually be hurting your company, rather than helping it. While you’ve been focusing on growing your company a lot [...]