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How can I Keep Porn out of my Twitter Following?


If you are anything like me, you use Twitter as a tool for your business. It’s handy for communicating with people you know, invaluable for meeting people you never would have met otherwise, fantastic for learning and sharing, and much more.

Every Tweeter has a different strategy to build their following. Some people follow everyone they can, and end up with followers/following in the 10′s of thousands. For me, I am most interested in following people who are interesting, funny, intelligent, creative and in general, make my life richer. So, when I am looking for followers, I generally take a moment to see who they are following.

So when I land on a Twitter profile and see porn it’s a real turn-off. Not because I am a prude, but because it is a signal to me of one of the following:

  • The Twitter member is using an auto-follow application and doesn’t really care who he/she follows, as long as the numbers are high.
  • The Twitter member is not actively engaged and hasn’t been monitoring his/her profile.

Either way, it’s a red flag for me NOT to follow that person.

I have discovered that a Twitter tool called “Social Oomph” has a feature that lets me ignore anyone (person or robot) that includes certain words in their Tweet. Since I have set up this tool, I have seen a 90% reduction in porn spam.

Now, it could just be a coincidence, but from what I read, Twitter is getting a lot better at filtering porn out of the system as well.

What are your thoughts on Twitter porn? How do you handle it?



I know exactly what you're talkin about. I follow a lot of comedians, scientists, and video games on my twitter account, and most of the people that follow me have those similar interests. What annoys me though is sometimes I'll see a whole bunch of new followers and they're all involved in pornography. Why!?!?!!?!?!?!?!! It's so blasted annoying
Posted @ Wednesday, December 14, 2011 8:54 PM by Michael
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